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Ellis in Freedomland (1952)

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 1:43 am
by Corey Fantoccini
While looking for some completely different stock footage, I stumbled across this industrial feature short.

It's a most bizarre promotional film for Westinghouse to show off all their appliances. The crux of the film involves a top salesman having a dream where all the mannequins in the store come to life and tour the store, as all the appliances he failed to sell before talk to him with celebrity voices (James Mason as a refrigerator, Lucille Ball as a laundry unit). Some of the mannequin actors are very familiar - Alan Hale Jr. from "GILLIGAN'S ISLAND", Iron Eyes Cody from the "Keep America Beautiful" PSAs.

Posing is a little brief - just at the top of the short, and at the end of his dream. There is a come-to-life sequence, but it's only two of the male models. But it's still a neat find and an amusing watch.

The Library of Congress has a gorgeous upload here.