A Bizarre ray of light, in the recent week of gloom!

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A Bizarre ray of light, in the recent week of gloom!

Post by zapped13 »

As some of you who know me from the board here, or on the former LMC(a lost love, and a frequent habit) or may have traded clips with in the past, I have been looking for this sketch forever. I had heard that the old "Bizarre" show starring John Byner was finally being released on DVD. I recently found this site that was talking about this set being released in Canada...for whatever reason, it is not available in the U.S. yet...anyway, I joined that messageboard, to ask the question if in fact this clip existed, or if it was my Teenage imagination (way back when). This is what I got in response:

Yes, zapped, that's the "Inflate-a-mate" sketch and it is on Volume 1. It's a great skit and the actress does an excellent job. She's gorgeous and is also in my favourite sketch; "I need a bra" .

Yes kids after almost 20 years, determination finally pays off again, although I don't own it yet, but somebody other than myself knows that it exists! I also got a copy of miss teen U.S.A 1990 in the mail this week, which I had seen only once on TV, and thought I surely would never find a copy of. For those of you lucky enough to have caught it way back when, I will give a brief reminder: at that time, Madonna's song "vogue" was popular on the airwaves. As part of one of the routines, the eliminated contestants were posed standing in the background, while the remaining 12 would walk down a set of stairs, do a few spins in front of the camera for about 20 seconds, then walk off stage as the next contestant came into view. The other girls would strike a pose and hold it, until another girl came down the stairs, then change the pose for the next contestant. I wasn't quite as inspiring as I had remembered it, and the fact that this was on VHS originally, then transferred onto DVD-the picture quality is grainy, but this and the Bizarre sketch were the last two I was looking for. :lol: ...google long enough, and ye shall find! :D

What's it like?

Post by ~? »

Just curious about the ASFR content of this "Inflate-a-Mate". Does the girl move on her own, or does Byner move her around? What was it that you found so fascinating all those years ago?

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Post by zapped13 »

Hi. In the sketch the girl doesn't move at all. She has a "bedazzled look" on her face, blond hair, is wearing a cheerleader outfit, and is very chesty. At one point, byner gets a sly look on his face and blows on her thumb harder, and the girl arches her back slightly then sticks her chest out even further. She is standing upright in the beginning of the sketch, then byner sits her down, and keeps pulling her hair back and wispering in her ear while she sits there with a blank look. Her arms are sticking out at angles like one of those blow up dolls. I guess the reason it stuck with me for so long, was because it was at about that time that I was begining to realise that I had a fascination with this sort of thing. I recently found this clip on vol.1 which I bought on Ebay. I don't know if it would be worth buying the entire DVD for anybody else, but it was worth buying it to me, just to get it off of my "list"! :o I have heard of the other sketch, but I don't think it's on this vol.
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